Prior to 1734, in Maxatawny, lived the following persons who owned land and paid quit rents:


Jacob Hottenstein, Peter Andreas, Jacob LEVAN, Jacob KEMP, Wilhelm Gross, Casper WINK, Bastian Terr 1, Nicholas KUTZ, Abraham Zimmerman, Jost. Hen. Sassaman, Andreas Fischer, Ikinrich Hartman, Christian Mahnenschmidt, Michael Mueller, Jacob Hill, Hans Kleimer, Isaac Leonard, Heinrich Schade, Peter Trealer, Jeremiah Trealer, Hans Hage, Bastian Terr



Dewalt (Theobolt) KEMP is said to have come to America circa 1720, and to have been a native of Strassburg on the Rhine. He was not only one of the first settlers in Maxatawny, but in point of years probably the oldest settler. He was born about 1685 and died in 1760. His daughter, Gertrude, was married to Casper WINK. Their first child, Catharine, was born in Maxatawny August 7, 1728.


The home, now owned by Nathan KEMP, passed at the time of the death of the immigrant to his son, George, whose wife's maiden name was LEVAN. Among their children were two sons, George and Daniel. To George KEMP, son of George, and his wife (nee GRIESCMER) were born five children: John, William, Annie, married to Daniel SIEGFRIED; Sallie, marred to Daniel KEMP, and George.


Daniel KEMP, son of George and grandson of Dewalt was married to Rachel WINK. They had issue: Sallie, Dewalt, Jacob, Daniel, Isaac, George and William.





Col. John SIEGFRIED, the friend of Washington, was born in SIEGFRIED's Dale, Maxatawny Township, November 27, 1745. He was married to Mary LEVAN, a daughter of Daniel LEVAN, on a license dated August 25, 1769. In the spring of 1770 they removed to the east bank of the Lehigh River in Allen Township, Northampton County. Here he conducted a tavern and a ferry. On the tavern sign was inscribed this legend. "Entertainment for Man and Beast." This favorable location brought him into contact with many people and paved the way for his later popularity and fame. On July 4, 1776, he attended the meeting of the delegates of the Associated Battalions of the Pennsylvania Militia, held at Lancaster, as a major from the Third Battalion of Northampton County, He was later appointed Colonel of the Third Battalion. When Washington in 1776 was fleeing across New Jersey, after the disastrous campaign in and around New York, he sent the following letter to Col. SIEGFRIED:


"Headquarters, Bucks Co., Pa. Dec. 22, 1776.

To Colonel John SIEGFRIED:

Sir: The Council of Safety of this State, by their resolves of the 17th inst. empowered me to call out the militia of Northampton County to the assistance of the Continental army under my command, that, by our joint endeavors, we may put a stop to the progress of the enemy, who are making preparations to advance to Philadelphia, as soon as they cross the Delaware, either by boats, or on the ice. As I am unacquainted with names of the colonels of "our militia, I have taken the liberty to enclose you six letters, in which you will please to insert the names of the proper officers, and send them immediately to them, by persons in whom you can confide for their delivery. If there are not as many colonels as letters you may destroy the balance not wanted. I most earnestly entreat those, who are so far lost to a love of their country: as to refuse to lend a hand to its support at this critical time they may depend upon being treated as their l baseness and want of public spirit will most justly deserve.


I am sir, your most obedient servant,


George Washington.”


Within two days after the issuing of the above call, a part of the Third Battalion was already in Philadelphia and were assigned to the command of General Putnam. They took part in the Battle of Trenton which resulted in the capture of one thousand Hessians. In the Battle of Assunpink, often referred to as the second Battle of Trenton, January 2, 1777, Rev. John Rosbrough, the chaplain of Col. SIEGFRIED'S Battalion, was killed. It was after being repulsed that the British General Howe said: "I will bag the fox in the morning." The sequel is one of the best known incidents in American history. It was a cart of SIEGFRIED'S Battalion under Capt. John Hays, that kept up the fires and threw up earthen works, while Washington and the rest of the army slipped away and defeated the British.






The Battle of Trenton was a small but pivotal battle during the American Revolutionary War which took place on the morning of December 26, 1776, in Trenton, New Jersey. After General George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River north of Trenton the previous night, Washington led the main body of the Continental Army against Hessian soldiers garrisoned at Trenton. After a brief battle, nearly the entire Hessian force was captured, with negligible losses to the Americans. The battle significantly boosted the Continental Army's flagging morale, and inspired re-enlistments.


Despite the battle's small numbers, the American victory inspired rebels in the colonies. With the success of the revolution in doubt a week earlier, the army had seemed on the verge of collapse. The dramatic victory inspired soldiers to serve longer and attracted new recruits to the ranks. Wikipedia






The founder of this large and honored American family was Daniel LEVAN and his wife, Mary Beau, of Amsterdam, Holland the ancestral home of this staunch Huguenot (French Protestant) family where they were members of the Huguenot Church.


In 1715 four of their sons, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, set out for the land of William Penn, of whom the last named died at sea. Abraham settled in Oley, Isaac in Exeter, and Jacob in Maxatawny township, at what is now called Eaglepoint. The exact date of the latter’s settling in Maxatawny is not definitely known, but it was before 1734 at which time he is recorded as having paid quit rent. Prior to 1740 he erected a grist mill and before it a saw mill. These two mills were the first of their kind in the Maxatawny valley.


When in 1756, the period of the French and Indian War, the Indians began to make incursions in the county and massacred many of the settlers in Heidelberg and Albany townships in Berks county, and Lynn and Heidelberg townships in Lehigh county, Jacob LEVAN was instrumental in organizing a volunteer company to protect the settlers in Albany and Lynn townships, so the settlers "could plant their crops and repair their fences." It was called the Maxatawny and Allenmaengle Independent Guard. It consisted of 24 men, who served 39 days, from April 3 to May 11.



In 1729 Daniel LEVAN followed his brethren to the new world and settled in Maxatawny not far from his brother Jacob and married Susan SIEGFRIED, a daughter of Johannes SIEGFRIED. He died in 1777, leaving his wife Susan and children: Peter, Barbara (Reeser), Catharine, Mary (SIEGFRIED), Susan (KEMP), Magdalena, Margaret and Daniel Jr. The latter (Daniel Jr.) was admitted to the Berks County Bar in 1768 and obtained considerable prominence as an attorney. He held numerous positions of honor and trust during the Revolutionary period. He was one of the judges of the Court of Justice established under the Constitution of 1776.


The home of Daniel LEVAN, Sr., is located on Schultz’s map and has been identified as what is now KEMP’s Inn. During the Colonial and Revolutionary period it was known as LEVAN’s, and under its roof were entertained many notables of that period.



Jacob LEVAN, Jr., resided on a plantation of more than three hundred acres lying along the Saucony Creek, southeast of Kutztown.


Upon the death of Jacob LEVAN, Sr., the son Jacob became the owner and upon his death it was divided according to the conditions of the will between the two sons John and Jacob. The deed for the divided plantations bears the date of December 29th, 1797.


Jacob LEVAN Jr., in his will provides for his wife Catharine and three sons, John, Jacob and Daniel, and a daughter Maria.






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