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According to the historical document titled:


Descendants of MARGRETHA REED 1736-1822 and THEOBaLD WINK 1733-1796

The "F" or Wink Branch of the Reed Family we find


·        Theobold (or Dewalt) Wink was the oldest son of Casper and Gertrude (Kemp) Wink. His parents were among the first settlers of the Maxatawny Township, Philadelphia (now Berks County), Pennsylvania, region. The Winks located there on the ancestor's coming to America in 1727. He (Casper Wink) was in the first shipload of Swiss and German Palatines whose male passengers came under the provisions of the new "Act of the Provincial Council," of Pennsylvania, compelling "all male passengers above the age of 16 years who come hither with the intention of settling lands," to subscribe to the "Oath of Allegiance to the King of Great Britain." The name of their ship was "William and Henry," and the leader of the colonists was the Rev. George Michael Weiss, a Reformed minister of the gospel. "And all male passengers," that could and were not ill, "did march to the Court House, subscribe and repeat their name," in compliance with the new law. This was on September 27, 1727.”


Well close but not quite accurate.


With a little research we find the most prominent and consistent person in this pilgrimage was the Rev. George Michael Weiss. (G. M. Weis)


In the historical documents titled: “A history of the Goshenhoppen Reformed charge, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (1727-1819)" we find the history of the Rev Weiss and his time spent in Pennsylvania we also find he arrived in the colonies possibly as early as September 14, 1727 but not on the William and Henry as recorded by Reed-Wink but on the William and Sarah and when you check the passenger manifest of the William and Sarah you will find G. M. Weis VDM.


Further we find:


·        “As early as September 14, 1727, the Governor, Patrick Gordon, had called the Provincial Board together, to inform them that there is lately arrived from Holland, a ship with four hundred Palatines, as 'tis said, and that he has information they will be very soon followed by a much greater number.


·        In answer to this concern the board ordered, that the Masters of the Vessels importing them shall be examined whether they have any Leave granted them by the Court of Britain for the Importation of these Foreigners, and that a List shall be taken of the Names of all these People, their several Occupations, and the Places from whence they come, and shall be further examined, touching their Intentions in coming hither; And further, that this proves that the ship William and Sarah did not arrive on September 18, 1727, as has been wrongly inferred from the list published in the Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. XVII, p. 7. This list was drawn up on September 18, but the ship had landed before September 14, "lately" may mean a day or even several days earlier.


·        In consequence of this order a signed list was laid before the board at its meeting on September 21, containing the names of one hundred & nine Palatines, who with their Families, making in all about Four hundred Persons, were imported into this Province in the Ship William and Sarah, William Hill, Master, from Rotterdam, but last from Dover, as by Clearance from Officers of his Majesties Customs there ; And the said Master being asked, if he had any License from the Court of Great Britain for transporting those People, & what their Intentions were in coming hither, said that he had no other License or Allowance for their Transportation than the above Clearance, and that he believed they designed to settle in this Province.


·        This list of 109 Palatines, as submitted to the Provincial Board on September 21, 1727, has been published In Vol. XVII, of the second series of the Pennsylvania Archives, pp. 7-8, but It Is so Imperfect and Inaccurate, full of typographical and other mistakes, that it seems worthwhile to submit a corrected list. Such a new publication is all the more justified because the list as submitted to the board, indicates the number of people In each family, which figures, though Important, were omitted In the Pennsylvania Archives.


·        The original list is now in the State Library at Harrisburg, Department of Public Records, at present (1914) in charge of Mr. Luther R. Kelker, who very kindly allowed the writer to examine and copy the original list, as well as others mentioned later.


·        The totals of the three columns are said to be 126 -f- 92 -f- 107 = 325. But in reality the figures in none of the columns have been added correctly. The correct totals, supposing all the figures to be accurate, are: 118 -f 91 -f-108 = 317. The whole number of passengers was, therefore, much nearer 300 than 400.


·        Of these colonists not more than 51 actually appeared on September 21, 1727, in the Court House at Philadelphia to sign the following oath of allegiance :


·        A comparison of these two lists shows how carelessly the captain's list was made. The writer made no attempt to ascertain the correct spelling of the names. He merely wrote down what he supposed he heard when the names were pronounced to him. For Welcker he heard Wigler and in a second case Wilkes. For Mill he put down Prill, for Miller he wrote Milder. Schweikhardt he turned into Swyger, Spengler into Springier, Rutschli apparently into Roedeull. In some cases the scribal monstrosities are so great that no identification is possible. No wonder that it is so difficult to identify immigrants, when the captains' lists are so badly corrupted and the passengers' own signatures are sometimes such awful scrawls that they need a second list as a key to decipher them correctly.


·        The relation of Mr. Weiss to these immigrants has long been doubtful. The question whether he was merely their fellow passenger or the recognized leader of a colony could not be determined till very recently. There are now three documents at hand which answer this question. The first is the earliest printed report concerning the Reformed Church in Pennsylvania, printed in Holland in 1731. It was submitted in that year to the Synod of South Holland which met from July 3 to 13, 1731, at Dortrecht.


·        In this report we find the following statement about the religious conditions in Pennsylvania and the coming of Mr. Weiss to America :


·        Wherefore, since the most excellent Sir, distinguished through ability and learning, George Michael Weiss, from Eppingen in the Palatinate, a candidate of Sacred Theology, determined to apply the divinely granted gifts to this most laudable use, that he might labor to the best of his ability for the extension of the Kingdom of God, which is the kingdom of love; hence, after having devoted himself to the fine arts of the humanities and to philosophy, he consecrated himself wholly to the even sublimer studies of theology, in which he made such happy progress in a short time that he was deemed worthy to be permitted to undergo the examination for the ministry. In this he proved his diligence to our Senate in such a manner that we not only hoped but were also confident that he would someday perform a useful work for the Church of Christ.


·        Wherefore, since he announced of late that he had conceived the plan with some of his fellow-citizens and other friends, well known to him, to undertake a journey to the transatlantic parts of the world, if it should please the Divine Providence to entrust him there with the leadership of a congregational flock, to teach and to guide them there, and since he asked that to that end he be fully inducted into the spiritual office with the laying on of hands.


·        Therefore, since the purity of his morals, his humility and especially his piety that flows from it, were well known to us, and since our Senate was at the same time well aware of the progress he had made in the knowledge of the theological sciences and in thorough acquaintance with the sacred languages, we hesitated all the less to grant his request since we could cherish the certain hope that the Chief Shepherd of the sheep, to whom his own are well known, though they live in the most distant parts of the world, would not withhold his support from the undertaking of an honest mind.


·        Hence we have admitted him to the office of the ministry of the divine Word and have ordained him by the imposition of hands and by extending to him the right hand of fellowship in the sacred ministry.


·        It now remains for us only to implore God, the best and the highest, the ruler of the world and the church, that He may prove himself to be the companion of his journey. May He bless his labors most abundantly and whatever plans he makes, whatever labors he undertakes, may He crown and advance them with the most desired success.


·        Given in Heidelberg on the Calends of

·        May in the year of our Lord MDCCXXVH.

·        Director and Councilors of the

·        Senate of the Palatinate Church.

·        C. L. MiEG. Pl. Pastor.

·        P. R. FOLAD.


·        In view of this document there can be no longer any doubt that Mr. Weiss was actually the leader of the colony, at whose head he appeared in signing the declaration of allegiance on September 21, 1727.


At this point it is safe to assume these facts; one, the ship carrying this group of new immigrants to Philadelphia was the William & Sarah not the William & Henry; two, it arrived sometime in September 1727; three, the leader of this group on the William & Sarah was Reverend George Michael Weiss from Eppingen in the Palatinate and four, records were anything but accurate regarding the ships passenger manifest and who took the oath of allegiance.


Where is Casper Wink?


In the Reed - Wink history W. H. Reed states that on some old land deeds in his possession “Casper Wink and his wife made only their marks, which were witnessed by "Validin Dickenschied" and "Jost Vollert" which leads one to believe they probably couldn’t read either, therefore, my guess is; Casper Wink arrived at Philadelphia on the William and Sarah as a member of the group being led by the Rev. G. M. Weiss during September 1727 cataloged under a different name, which we now know was a common mistake, and being unable to read or write he would not recognize the mistake.


There was on the ship a single man headed for the Skippack area of PA. named Christopher Wittmer who took the oath but then seems to have disappeared?


Christopher Wittmer, Casper Wink; one on the lists one not, one disappears one produces a long history? Two different men or one and the same, Whittmer or Wink what was his name?


It doesn’t really matter what our name is, what matters is we are all descendants of a God fearing man who came to North America, became successful and well respected, was willing to fight to keep what he had and called himself Casper Wink.


Bill Wink







Kutztown Patriot August 31, 1933


“There are six main branches of the Winks today, namely: the Kemp Hotel Winks, the Kutztown Winks, the Reading Winks, the Greenwich and Albany Winks, the Tamaqua Winks and the * Ohio Winks. They can be found in all walks of life, and from coast to coast. A Wink relative from Los Angeles, California, attended this fifth annual family reunion”.



This is the most in depth genealogy and family history listing on the Internet regarding Casper Wink and his descendants. You will also find information regarding names of those who served in the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. If you are looking for history about Maxatawny Township and Kutztown, Pennsylvania this page may help.


Here are a few names found on this page: William & Sarah, George Michael Weiss, Casper Wink, Theobold Dewald Kemp, Isaac Roberts, Jacob Levan, John Heidenreich, George A. Fister, Theobold, Theobald Wink, Margretha (or Cretha) Reed, Philip and Veronica (Bercky) Reed, W. H. Reed, Valentine Dickenschied, Samuel Ely, Daniel Zimmerman, Henry Grim, Frederick Bower, Philip Noyes, Christian Schmick, William Marx, Peter Kutz, George Pfister, Peter Wink, Philip Wink, Doldridge, Matthias Roth, Peter Klein,

Helen Mary Shearer, Miriam Louise Stirl 


NOTE!! This page is updated as new material is found – you should check back 12/03/2016


Casper Wink 1692



The Province of Pennsylvania, also known as the Pennsylvania Colony, was founded in English North America by William Penn on March 4, 1681 as dictated in a royal charter granted by King Charles II. The name Pennsylvania, which translates roughly as "Penn's Woods", was created by combining the Penn surname (in honor of William's father, Admiral Sir William Penn) with the Latin word sylvania, meaning "forest land." The proprietary colony's charter remained in the hands of the Penn family until the American Revolution, when the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was created and became one of the original thirteen states.





Fredric M. Miller


From the time of its founding in 1682, Philadelphia has been both an immigrant port and a city of immigrants.  In fact, in 1683 when Dutch and German religious groups founded Germantown now part of Philadelphia they established the first settlement of non-British Europeans in any English colony.


The city is 110 miles from the ocean, up a shallow bay and what used to be a winding river channel.  The Delaware River froze often, unlike New York's harbor, and the ocean voyage from Europe to Philadelphia is 200 miles longer than the journey to New York.


In national terms, Philadelphia was certainly most important as an immigrant port in the eighteenth century.  Beginning about 1717, when the Provincial Assembly ordered ship captains to submit passenger lists to officials, there were true mass migrations of Germans and of Scotch-Irish directly to Philadelphia.  In 1749, for example, 22 ships with a total of 7000 immigrants from the Rhineland made the seven-week voyage to the city.  In all, about 70,000 Germans landed there before the Revolution and Philadelphia also received the largest share of the over 150,000 Scotch-Irish who migrated from Ulster to the colonies.  In both groups, the majority were so poor that they had come as indentured servants or as “redemptioners" who had to work off the borrowed price of their passage.  Many were thus forced to stay in the city, helping to make it the largest in the colonies by the time of the Revolution.



On September 18, 1727 Captain William Hill, coming from Rotterdam, docked his ship the William & Sarah in Philadelphia harbor with a list of 109 Palatines, along with their families making about 400 persons. No convicts on board. 


The Wink, Winck, Vink, etc., family, it is said, are of Swiss extraction, first emigrating from their home country to Mannheim, Baden, Germany, and then, after a temporary stay in that city, taking the boat down the River Rhine to Rotterdam, Holland, and from that city following the usual route to America.




The German Palatines were early 18th century emigrants from the Middle Rhine region of the Holy Roman Empire, including a minority from the Palatinate which gave its name to the entire group. Towards the end of the 17th century and into the 18th, the wealthy region was repeatedly invaded by French troops, which resulted in continuous military requisitions, widespread devastation and famine.


Each adult passenger 16 years old or above was counted as one freight. Children 4-15 were counted as half-freights and were charged half the price of an adult for passage. Children under 4 were transported for free. The number listed next to each man's name was apparently the number of freights he was responsible for. If he came alone it was usually only one. If there were 3 freights, it might represent a husband, wife, and two children age 4-15; a husband wife, and child 16 or older; or some other such combination. These numbers can therefore give a general idea of the size of the family that was transported on the ship. If someone in the family died at sea, they were not counted in the number of freights for that family. 


G. M. Weis V.D.M





Casper Wink was in the first shipload of Swiss and German Palatines whose male passengers came under the provisions of the new "Act of the Provincial Council," of Pennsylvania, compelling "all male passengers above the age of 16 years who come hither with the intention of settling lands," to subscribe to the "Oath of Allegiance to the King of Great Britain." The name of their ship was "William and Sarah," and the leader of the colonists was the Rev. George Michael Weiss, a Reformed minister of the gospel. "And all male passengers," that could and were not ill, "did march to the Court House, subscribe and repeat their name," in compliance with the new law. This was on September 27, 1727.


The "Usual Oaths" of Allegiance and Abjuration

Beginning with an Act of the Provincial Council in 1727 and continuing up until the Revolutionary War, the Province of Pennsylvania required all immigrants to swear to "Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration". The Act also ordered all ship's captains who were importing the immigrants to provide a list of the passengers' names, occupations and their places of origin. As can be seen from the passenger manifest of the ship Christian, the strict construction of this requirement seems not to have been adhered to very firmly.

The immigrants were obliged to take the following oath upon their arrival at the port of Philadelphia:

"We subscribers, natives and late inhabitants of the Palatine upon the Rhine and places adjacent, having transported ourselves and families into the Province of Pennsylvania, a colony subject to the crown of Great Britain, in hopes and expectation of finding a retreat and a peaceable settlement therein, do solemnly promise and engage that we will be faithful and bear true allegiance to his present majesty, King George the Second and his successors, kings of Great Britain, and will be faithful to the proprietor of this province; and that we will demean ourselves peaceably to all his said majesty's subjects, and strictly observe and conform to the laws of England and this province, to the utmost of our power and best of our understanding."

As if this weren't enough, beginning in 1729 the immigrants were required to sign two additional oaths, one of which declared in flowery prose ("…from my heart abhor, detest and renounce as impious and heretical …") apparently that the immigrant was not a Roman Catholic, the other that he was acknowledging George II as the lawful king and denouncing such pretenders to the throne as James III of Scotland, Queen Anne, James VIII, etc.

Of course, in the long run all this was for naught. After the start of the Revolution, an entirely different oath of allegiance was required in which the immigrants had to renounce their allegiance to the king and pledge their allegiance to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:

We, the subscribers, do swear of affirm that we renounce and refuse all allegiance to George the Third, King of Great Britain, his heirs and successors, and that we will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as a free and independent state, and that we will not, at any time, do, or cause to be done, any matter of thing that will be prejudicial or injurious to the freedom and independence thereof, as declared by Congress, and also, that we will discover and make known, to some justice of the peace of the said State, all treasons and traitorous conspiracies which we now know, and hereafter shall know, to be formed against this or any of the United States of America."

Quite naturally, those who refused to switch their allegiances and sign the oath were subject to confiscation of their property, ostracism by their neighbors, and occasionally had to flee for their lives.


Casper Wink's first home in Pennsylvania was in Maxatawny Township, Philadelphia County, but a short distance east of the present town of Kutztown, Berks County. There he took up lands from the Penns, and first under adverse circumstances he thrived at farming, but in time with the development of the country he became owner of several fine farms, as the records show, and under the leasehold plan was one of the first in the Maxatawny region to pay quit rent to the Penns.


Theobold Dewald Kemp is said to have been the first white settler of the Maxatawny region. He was of German extraction, coming to America in 1720, from Strassburg, on the Rhine, and immediately settled in this locality. He was a Protestant, and he was accompanied to the New World by his two brothers, Thomas and Joseph, and two sisters. He settled on land that now belongs to Nathan KEMP, and there died in 1760. He had one son, George. Gertrude Kemp was Theobold’s sister.


Casper Wink and Gertrude Kemp were married about 1727, the family record shows. Casper Wink and the Kemps were neighbors in Maxatawny. They were among the founders of St. John's (Hope) Reformed Church, in Maxatawny, now within the limits of Kutztown.


The Rev. George Michael Weiss soon after his arrival in America wended his way up into the upper Perkiomen region. Thither many of his followers either followed or preceded him to locate, and there he soon became a noted minister of the gospel and assisted in the early organization of the Reformed Church in America, particularly in that section of Pennsylvania.


As an illustration of the hardships and difficulties experienced in those days by the early settlers of this region, it is recalled that when the Winks first came to Maxatawny, the nearest grist and flouring mill was on the Perkiomen Creek, more than thirty miles distant. The nearest market to sell their produce was Philadelphia, some seventy miles distant, and the only way of making the trip to these places was either on horseback or in a heavy wagon over trails leading through the woods. Wagons then in the frontier settlements were but few and far between, and to simplify and overcome the difficulty and lighten hardships the neighbors "doubled up" and took turns in making the journey. In this way they gained their ends, eked out an existence, and with it all raised large families and prospered in a humble way.


To make the trip to Perkiomen mill alone by this slow means of transportation meant a three days' journey by wagon. Wherever night overtook the teamster it meant camping for the night in the woods. In the morning after feeding the horses, the journey would be resumed and continued until completed.


When the first settlers came into the Maxatawny region the Indians were there in numbers, for this country was their favorite hunting ground. As the white people cleared the lands for cultivation, the Indian took to the timbered land or the wilder region of the hills. The Indians were shiftless, and if the winter was severe the whites had to come to their relief with food, and in this way they lived in harmony and peace. If the whites were likely to be disturbed by roaming or marauding Indians from a distance, the friendly tribes would apprise them beforehand, so they could get together as a body and be prepared to receive the visitors. On more than one occasion in this way through mutual friendship surprises and massacres were avoided.


This article reprinted from the HISTORY OF BERKS COUNTY IN PENNSYLVANIA by Morton L. Montgomery, member of the Berks County Bar, dated 1886, published by Everts, Peck & Richards.


Casper Wink, married to Gertrude Kemp, was also one of the early settlers. They reared six children; Catherine, the eldest daughter, born in 1728, and Theobald, the eldest son, in 1733. The latter was the father of sons named Philip, John, Peter, Jacob (a Revolutionary soldier) and Dewalt. His daughters married Isaac Roberts, Jacob Levan, John Heidenreich (father of Judge Wm. S. Heidenreich), John Hausman and Daniel Kemp. A brother of Theobald Wink, John Peter, born in 1745, went to the Revolutionary War and never returned. Dewalt Wink, son of Theobald, born in 1776, was married to a daughter of George A. Fister, also a Revolutionary soldier, and who was the grandfather of Colonel Thomas A. Fister. He was the father of eleven sons and two daughters, among the former being John G. Wink, of Kutztown. Casper Wink was a Catholic and a faithful colonist, having his allegiance certified, which reads as follows:

"I hereby certify that Casper Wink, of Berks County, State of Pennsylvania, hath voluntarily taken and subscribed the oath of allegiance and Fidelity, as directed by an Act of General Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed on the 13th day of June A.D. 1777.

"Witness my hand and seal, the 26th day of May, A.D. 1778.
 Peter Trexler, Esq."

A similar paper was procured by Davold (Theobald) Wink November 3, 1777, and was attested by Samuel Ely. These interesting papers are now in possession of John G. Wink. Casper Wink was buried on his farm, which is still owned by a member of the family in the sixth generation.



Maxatawny History page 2

Revolutionary History
In reference to the Revolutionary history of the Township, Professor Ermentrout says

"In the War for Independence, Maxatawny was not passive. From John
G. Wink, one of the most intelligent citizens of Maxatawny, we learn that Washington's army marched through Kutztown. Eye-witnesses informed him that it came from Easton, and encamped for a time in the valley between the present residence of John Kemp, Esq., and the farm of Daniel Zimmerman in Maxatawny. Washington and his wife were with the soldiers. Mrs. Sassaman, for some years deceased, used to delight in telling her visitors that Mrs. Washington, who lodged in the house of her father, John Gross, lifted her on her lap, and soothed her with caresses. On their way from Trenton, by way of Easton, to the well-known camp at Reading, the captured Hessians were marched through Kutztown."

"It is interesting also to know that, whilst the battle at Germantown, 1777, was raging, the thunders of the cannon fell upon the ears of the inhabitants Kutztown and vicinity; that after the battle of Brandywine, 1777, a regiment of the American army encamped on the farms now owned by the Hottensteins, and, on leaving, impressed the horses and wagons of the people; and that George Kemp, Esq., was one of the wagon-masters who were present at the battle of Germantown."

"In Maxatawny there were still living in 1840 the following Revolutionary pensioners: Henry Grim, aged seventy-five; Frederick Bower, eighty-three; Jacob Wink, eighty-two; Philip Noyes, eighty-four; Christian Schmick, seventy-six. To this list we add the names of William Marx, Sr., and son William, Casper Wink (buried on Squire Kemp's farm), Jacob Esser, Peter Kutz, George Pfister, Peter Wink, Philip Wink and Doldridge. On January 7, 1857, Matthias Roth died in Rockland Township, aged seventy-eight years. On the last Monday of November, 1836, another died, Peter Klein, Esq., of Greenwich Township, aged seventy-seven years, who was buried at Dunkel's Church."

"On the farm of J. Bieber, Jr., in Maxatawny, stands the Mammoth White Oak of Berks. It may be justly called the Centennial White Oak of Pennsylvania. On the 15th of September 1877, one hundred years will have passed by since the baggage train of General Washington's army, on its retreat from the battlefield of Germantown, sought and found protection under and around this Revolutionary tree. It is said that two centuries have looked upon this oak; and competent judges assure us that it is now sturdy enough to defy the storms of another hundred years, and may wave its branches in honor of the Centennial of 1976. One foot above the ground it measures twenty-eight feet in circumference, and ten feet above it begins to stretch forth twenty-seven limbs, some of which are three feet in diameter."


from “The 1915 Centennial history of Kutztown” 

Provided by: Dr. Brendan D. Strasser, Library/Archive, Kutztown Area Historical Society


The following account of the death of Casper Wink is from the Mss. History of Casper Wink, by John G. Wink:--


    "On the day preceding the death of our great ancestor, Casper Wink, he visited the grave of his deceased partner in life.  On his return to the house he told the family that the time of his final departure had come, and 'that he would die before another morning sun should cast its beams on the horizon.'  And he gave them directions in regards to his funeral.  His coffin was to be painted black with a cross on top of the lid; and that the Catholic Priest [from Bally] should officiate, he being a Catholic and wished to be buried by the side of his beloved wife [Gertrude Kemp].  And ere the dawn of the morning his Soul had departed to the Spirit land.


    "He lived to the great age of 96 years and had never been sick in all his long life.  His request was strictly complied with.  Their ashes repose side by side on the side of the hill on the farm, a short distance above the present barn.  A few rude stones marked their graves.  Some thirty years ago [1851] I visited the place of their repose a few (5) years ago [1876], but could not ascertain their graves any more, the head stones having probably sunk into the ground.

    "There were many Indians in the neighborhood at that time who were always upon good terms with my ancestors and who always received kind treatment in return."


For some reason before he took his departure from this world, the elder Casper Wink recanted, and returned to his earlier faith, Catholicism, for just before his death he sought spiritual advice and comfort from the nearby officiating priest of the Catholic Church at Bally.


Casper WINK:

Was born in the year 1692 in Germany

Came to America on the William & Sarah September, 1727

Leader of the colonists was the Rev. George Michael Weiss

He landed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Settled in Maxatawny Township

Married Gertrude Kemp 1727

They reared 6 children

Served during the Revolutionary War

Died October 5, 1788 - 96 years old




(2.) Catharine 

b. 7 Aug. 1728      Place: Maxatawny Twp, Berks, PA

d. August 14, 1815   Place: Breinigsville, Lehigh County, PA

buried   Place: Breinigsville, Lehigh County, PA


(2.) * Theobold Dewalt

b. 12 Feb. 1733      Place: Maxatawny Twp, Berks, PA.

d.      Dec. 1796     Place:      

buried Place: Hope (St. Johns) Church, (Reformed), Kutztown, Maxatawny Twp.


(2.) Anna Elisabeth

b. 12 Feb. 1735       Place: Maxatawny Twp, Berks, PA.


(2.) Maria Christianna (John Valentine Boyer)

b. 21 Mar. 1737       Place: Maxatawny Twp, Berks, PA.


(2.) Anna Barbara

b. 29 Sept. 1739        Place: Maxatawny Twp, Berks, PA.


(2.) John Peter

b. 27 Dec. 1745       Place: Maxatawny Twp, Berks, PA.

d. 1775/1783          Place: Revolutionary War






Theobold Wink, the second child and eldest son of Casper and Gertrude Wink, was born February 12, 1733 in Maxatawny Township. He was raised there and died there in December 1796. His family was of the Reformed faith, and all were active members in St. John's (Hope) Reformed Church, of Maxatawny, now within the borough of Kutztown. Unfortunately the early record of this congregation is lost or destroyed. If this record could be found I feel sure it would give us much of interest about the Wink family of Maxatawny.


Theobold Wink's courtship with Margretha Reed must have been conducted under difficulties. Their homes were thirty or more miles apart a wide expanse of wilderness between them-and no means of conveyance for travel other than by "taking it afoot," or "going on horseback," in making calls. Love in those days must have had its attractions and inspirations just like today, however difficult the pathway, for like bodies attracted each other then as now, and the goal was reached, for in due time they mated and were married.


Theobold married Margretha (or Cretha) Reed, daughter of Philip and Veronica (Bercky) Reed, about 1756 at the New Goshenhoppen, Church Congregation, Montgomery, PA


Margretha was born in 1736 in PA. She was christened 23 May 1736 at Salford Twp, Philadelphia Co. PA. She died about 1822 near Kutztown, Berks, PA and is buried in Hope (St. John's) Reformed Ch. Cem., in Kutztown with her husband. Records indicate they had 11 children.


I have in my (Mr. W. H. Reed, Norristown, Pa.) possession several old, musty and deteriorated papers, representing deeds for lands that Casper Wink and his wife Gertrude conveyed to their son Theobold. One of these in its recital, made under date of "19th day of May, 1762," is for a farm of one hundred and fifty acres of land, "between Casper Wink of Maxatawny * * and Gertrude his wife," * * and their "son Theobold Wink." Casper Wink and his wife made only their marks, which were witnessed by "Validin Dickenschied" and "Jost Vollert." Valentine Dickenschied was a brother-in-law of Theobold Wink, they marrying sisters. Valentine Dickenschied and Eve Reed were married on April 22, 1762, only a month before this real estate transaction, and it now looks as though this bridal couple were visiting here on their honeymoon trip on horseback, with the bride's sister, Margretha Wink, in Maxatawny, and her husband thereby by virtue of circumstance became a witness to the real estate conveyance.


The second land transfer from the parents to their son Theobold Wink was made in 1762, March 11, and comprised twenty acres adjoining the property just described. The deed recites that "Casper Wink" makes the transfer to his "son Dewalt Wink." This deed is signed only by the father.


The first property conveyance to the son, Theobold Wink, in 1762, was the improved property or homestead of Casper Wink. There still stands on this property or homestead a comparatively modern stone house, which however, shows the marks of age, and which without a doubt replaced the old log cabin of the father, Casper Wink. This newer house, built on the colonial order, is two stories high, the walls are of dark brown stone and is pointed with white mortar; there is a double pitched roof, quaint in appearance, and at this late date for a house so old it is in an excellent state of preservation. Upon approaching the house one of its appealing features that strikes the eye is seen over the doorway before entering, a rather large rectangular-shaped walled-in stone, bearing this inscription :-


THEOBOLD WINCK   A. N. O. -1 7 6 3


Wink home.jpg


The following information was obtained from the Berks County Historical Society at Reading, PA. May, 1930 and from Mr. Jacob D. Levan, Kutztown, PA. R. #1.


Theobold Dewalt Wink, husband of Margaret, died intestate in1796. Letters of administration were granted December 1796 to widow Margaret and son-in-law, Jacob Levan. Margaret died 1821 at 84 years See "Reading Adler" of January, 1821.


The original farm of Theobold Wink is now divided into six parts, some descendants still living there.


The Levans and Winks were close neighbors in Maxatawny Township, Berks County and were owners of large tracts of land. (end)


The colonies revolted in 1776, and under date of November 3, 1777, Dewalt (Theobold) Wink takes the "Oath of Allegiance" to the new government of the United States. He early joined the American forces in the revolt, and became a member of Captain George Kemp's Fourth Company, Second Battalion (Maxatawny Township), Berks County, Pennsylvania Militia. In the period of 1777 -1778 he paid a nominal fine for non-attendance at military duty as Dewalt Wink (Dewald Winck). Later he received depreciation pay from the state of Pennsylvania under the given name of Theodore (Theobold) Wink.*



(2.) * Theobold Dewalt Wink

b. 12 Feb. 1733      Place: Maxatawny Twp, Berks, PA.

m. Margretha (or Cretha) REED about 1756 at the New Goshenhoppen, Church Congregate, Montgomery, PA

d.      Dec. 1796     Place: Maxatawny Twp, Berks, PA.

buried     Place: Hope (St. Johns) Church, (Reformed), Kutztown, Maxatawny Twp.


(2.) Margretha (or Cretha) REED Daughter of Philip and Veronica (Bercky) Reed

b.  1736 in PA. Christened 23 May 1736 at Salford Twp, Philadelphia Co. PA.

d.  about 1821

Place: near Kutztown, Berks, PA and is

buried   Place: Hope (St. John's) Reformed Ch. Cem., in Kutztown, Maxatawny Twp.


This marriage by the Rev. George Michael Weiss is recorded in the New Goshenhoppen Reformed Church book

Records indicate they had 11 children.


(3.) CATHARINE WINK. Daughter of Theobold and Margretha (Reed) Wink. She was b. Dec. 10, 1757, at the old Wink homestead, in Maxatawny Twp., Berks Co., Pa.; d. in the summer of 1843, in Maxatawny Twp.; m. Isaac Roberts, of New Jersey; she Reformed, and bur. in St. John's Reformed Church Cern., Kutztown, Pa.: he was a Revolutionary soldier. The husband fell into evil ways and became a professional gambler. Upon learning this, his wife immediately left him, returning to her home in Maxatawny Twp., and there she died. He disappeared and is among the unknown; no children.


(3.) JACOB WINK. Son of Theobold and Margretha (Reed) Wink. He was b. Oct. 30, 1758, at the old Wink homestead, in Maxatawny Twp., Berks Co., Pa.; d. Nov. 7, 1842, in Maxatawny Twp.; m. (about) 1787, Maria, daugh, of Jacob Swoyer, or Sweyer; b. Jan. 14, 1768, in Maxatawny Township; d. April 25, 1841, in Maxatawny Twp.; Reformed; bur. in St. John's Reformed Ch. Cem., Kutztown, Pa.; was a farmer and farmed, lived and died on the old Wink homestead; was a soldier* of the Revolution and a member of Maxatawny Twp., Berks Co., Militia; he received depreciation pay from the State of Penna. ;** children:- (4.)WINK, JACOB s/o Jacob & Maria: b Oct. 4, 1788, d. Nov. 4, 1830


(3.) Philip Son of Theobold and Margretha (Reed) Wink. b.  9 Sept. 1762          Place: Wink Homestead, Maxatawny Twp., Berks, PA. d. __ , in Maxatawny Twp.; death resulted from the kick of a horse; presumed to have never married; was a soldier of the Revolution, he having received depreciation pay.


(3.) John Peter Son of Theobold and Margretha (Reed) Wink. b.  15 Nov. 1764         Place: Wink Homestead, Maxatawny Twp., Berks, PA. .; on Nov. 21, 1784, we find him doing military duty, and reported as sick, wounded, and quartered at Wyoming;**** later, Nov. 21, 1788, he is a private in Capt. Madery's Company of Berks County Militia, and doing military duty at Fort Allen; after this he disappears and the family loses all trace of him; he is supposed to have never married.


(3.) ANNA MARIA FRONICA (Mary)WINK. Daughter of Theobold and Margretha (Reed) Wink. She was b. Dec. 26, 1765, at the old Wink homestead, in Maxatawny Twp., Berks Co., Pa.; d. Feb. 26, 1838, at Lavansville, Somerset Co., Pa.; m. --, 1794, Jacob, son of Daniel Levan of Amsterdam and his wife Marie Beau, Huguenot refugees from Picardy in Northern France. Settling in Maxatawny  (---) Levan; b. March 4, 1767, in Maxatawny Twp.; d. Feb. 25, 1824, at Lavansville. About 1810, in early married life, he removed with his family to Somerset County, Pennsylvania, to a place now known as Lavansville. There he became active and influential in the locality and was truly a public-spirited man in all ways, and the town was named for him. Both are buried in the Reformed Church Cem. of this town; children:- Levan's Mill, which became an important stopover point for Moravian missionaries after 1740.


(3.) SUSANNA WINK. Daughter of Theobold and Margretha (Reed) Wink. She was b. Sept. 7, 1767, at the old "Wink" homestead, in Maxatawny Twp., Berks Co., Pa.; d. Aug. 8, 1844, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; m. John Heidenreich; b. --, in Germany; d.--, in Catawissa, Columbia Co., Pa.; bur. in St. John's Reformed Cem., Kutztown, Pa.; Reformed; silversmith and clockmaker; lived for some time in Catawissa; children:-


(3.) Unknown b.  2 Oct. 1769             Place: Wink Homestead, Maxatawny Twp., Berks, PA. supposed to have died young.


(3.) ESTHER WINK. Daughter of Theobold and Margretha (Reed) Wink. She was b. Nov. 30, 1772, at the old Wink homestead, in Maxatawny Twp., Berks Co., Pa.; d. Oct. 24, 1853, in Maxatawny Twp.; m. Sept. 1, 1799, John Hauseman; she bur. in St. John's Reformed Church Cern., at Kutztown, Pa.; child:-


(3.) RACHEL WINK. Daughter of Theobold and Margretha (Reed) Wink. She was b. May 3, 1775, at the old Wink homestead, in Maxatawny Twp., Berks Co., Pa.: d. Feb. 3, 1855, in Maxatawny Twp.; m. Feb. 24, 1795, Daniel, son of George and --- (Lavan) Kemp; b. Dec. 10,1770, in Maxatawny Twp.; d. Jan. 24,1854, in Maxatawny Twp.; Reformed; bur. in the Kemp family bur. ground, on the Kemp farm, adjoining the old Wink homestead, near Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; children:-


(3.) * THEOBOLD (DEWALT) WINK. Son of Theobold and Margretha (Reed) Wink. He was b. Nov. 7, 1776, at the old Wink homestead, in Maxatawny Twp., Berks Co., Pa.; d. Nov. 7, 1824, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; m. (1st), (about) 1798, Catharine, daugh, of George A. and Margaret (Fisher) Fister; b. and d. in Maxatawny Twp.; Reformed; bur. in St. John's Reformed Cern., at Kutztown; children:-


(3.) Sarah  Daughter of Theobold and Margretha (Reed) Wink. b.  abt. 1777/1780         Place: Wink Homestead, Maxatawny Twp., Berks, PA. d.  Age 13 years






Son of Theobold and Margretha (Reed) Wink. He was b. Nov. 7, 1776, at the old Wink homestead, in Maxatawny Twp., Berks Co., Pa.; d. Nov. 7, 1824, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa. Theobold Wink was raised at the old Wink homestead in Maxatawny Township, and received a good common school education. As a young man he drifted into Kutztown and learned the hatter trade with George Fister, afterwards marrying his employer's daughters, Catharine and Mary.


He succeeded his father-in-law at the hat and fur business in Kutztown. He had a hat store and manufactured hats and caps, not only for home sale, but shipped quantities to Philadelphia for the wholesale market. The pelts and furs that he did not use in his own factory he shipped to Philadelphia, disposing of them in the regular channels of trade.


In the balmy days of hatters, who were to be found in all growing inland towns in the country's early history, hats and caps were manufactured by these tradesmen in large quantities, and it was a thriving industry or business. Theobold Wink thrived and prospered both from local trade and the jobbing demand. As his children grew old enough to assist, their services were utilized to meet the growing demand. Even after the death of the father the boys continued the business at the old stand until times and innovations made a change in the industry.  The big factory that loomed up and its competition wrought havoc to these little enterprises and at last this competition with its machinery drove them out of business and closed their little establishments.


Upon the incorporation of the borough of Kutztown, in 1815, Theobold Wink became one of its first council members. In his day he was one of the town's leading citizens in its progress and development. In all respects he was truly a public-spirited man.


Theobold was first married to Catharine, daugh, of George A. and Margaret Fister who bore William, George, Jesse and Margaret. He then married her sister Mary who bore Daniel, Charles, Nathan, Charles Jacob and John Graff Wink.


(3.) * THEOBOLD (DEWALT) WINK. Son of (2.) Theobold and Margretha (Reed) Wink. He was b. Nov. 7, 1776, at the old Wink homestead, in Maxatawny Twp., Berks Co., Pa.; d. Nov. 7, 1824, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; m. (1st), (about) 1798, Catharine, daugh, of George A. and Margaret (Fisher) Fister; b. about 1780 and d. in Maxatawny Twp.; Reformed; bur. in St. John's Reformed Cern., at Kutztown; m. (2nd) Sept. 7, 1806, Mary Fister (sister of first wife) ; b. May 8, 1784, in Kutztown; d. Nov. 8, 1867, in Kutztown; Reformed; bur. in St. John's Reformed Church Cern.



(4.) William Wink, Son of Theobold and Catharine (Fister) Wink. He was b. --, 1799, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; d. June 10, 1867, in Kutztown; m. Mary Sassaman; b. --, at Chestnut Hill, Montg, Co., Pa.; d. April 19, 1846, in Kutztown; Reformed; bur. in St. John's Reformed Ch. Cern., in Kutztown; hatter; learned the trade with his father in Kutztown, and there for many years he followed the business.


(4.) George Wink,  Son of Theobold and Catharine (Fister) Wink. He was b. May 11, 1801, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; d. Aug. 5, 1847, in Kutztown; m. Sarah Ottinger; b. --, at Chestnut Hill, Montg, Co., Pa.; d. --, at Kutztown; Reformed; bur. in St. John’s Reformed Church Cern.; learned the trade of hating with his father at Kutztown; there were a number of children:-


(4.) Jesse Wink, Son of Theobold and Catharine (Fister) Wink. b. Aug. 6, 1803, in Kutztown; d. April 16, 1853, in Kutztown; learned the hating trade with his father; after the death of his father he continued the hating business at the old Wink stand; subsequently he drifted into other business; died in Kutztown, and is buried in the Reformed Church Cem., of which church he was a member; never married.


(4.) Margaret Wink, Daughter of Theobold and Catharine (Fister) Wink. She was b. Jan. 15, 1806, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; d. Dec. 17, 1874, at Breinigsville, Lehigh Co., Pa.; m. Robert Larash; b. May 3, 1803, in Lehigh Co., Pa.; d. May 6, 1876, in Kutztown; Reformed; bur. in St. John's Reformed Church Cern.; hatter-learning the trade with his father-in-law, and for many years worked at the trade in Kutztown; children:-


(4.) * Daniel Wink, 1st son of Theobold and Mary (Fister) Wink. He was b. May 9, 1807, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; d. May 3, 1896, at Roxbury, Franklin Co., Pa.: 13 Feb. 1831. Catharine Bower b. 9 Dec. 1808 and died 13 Nov. 1874. She is buried with her husband and oldest daughter at; Letort Spring Church graveyard, Middlesex Twp , Cumberland Co. PA. There were seven children.


(4.) Charles Wink, b. --; d. young.


(4.) Nathan Wink, b. June 18, 1810. Son of Theobold and Mary (Fister) Wink. He was b. June 18, 1810, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa. ; d. Sept. 1, 1891, at Reading, Pa.; m. Dec. 7, 1834, Sarah Schenck; b. Aug. 11, 1811, in Hamburg, Berks Co., Pa.; d. Oct. 5, 1897, in Reading; Reformed; bur. in Chas. Evans Cern., Reading; PA Nathan Wink learned blacksmithing, and enjoyed an enviable reputation as a horseshoer. He followed the trade for a number of years in Kutztown. Then he removed -to the city of Reading and there continued at his trade. He was a hard working and much respected man, and was a veteran of the Civil War, a member of Company G, 74th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers.



(4.) Charles Jacob Wink, Son of Theobold and Mary (Fister) Wink. He was b. Feb. 12, 1812, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; d. May 24, 1863, in Reading, Berks Co., Pa.; m. Jan. 21, 1849, Mary Elizabeth Esser; b. June 8, 1819, in Kutztown; d. July 25, 1908, in Kutztown; he Reformed; she Lutheran; both bur. in St. John's Reformed Cern., in Kutztown; printer by trade; in 1852 he was chosen Clerk of Courts of Berks County, and the family then removed to Reading; there he died, much respected and honored; children:-


(4.) John Graeff Wink, b. March 21, 1815. Son of Theobold and Mary (Fister) Wink. He was b. March 21, 1815, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; d. Dec. 23, 1901, in Kutztown; m. (1st), June 17, 1856, Caroline, daugh, of Peter and Elizabeth Graeff; b. Jan. 16, 1822, in Ballietsville, Lehigh Co., Pa.: d. Dec. 23, 1873, in Kutztown; Reformed; she bur. in St. John's Reformed Church Cern., Kutztown; no children. John Graeff Wink, m. (2nd), Oct. 15, 1874, Eleanora, daugh, of Peter and Debora Schantz; b. April 28, 1838, in Allentown, Pa.; d. Jan. 31, 1901, in Kutztown; Reformed; bur. in St. John's Reformed Church Cern.;     Children: (5.) John Deschter b. August 23, 1875. (5.) Carrie b. August 26, 1878


(5.) John D. Wink son of John G. and Elenora (Schantz) Wink m. Esther Cressman

Children: (6.) David Deschter b. March 1, 1902, (6.) Charles Frederick b. April 24, 1903 and (6.) Robert Walter b. May 20, 1910.

    (6.) David Deschter Wink son of John D. and Esther (Cressman) Wink

    (6.) Charles Frederick Wink son of John D. and Esther (Cressman) Wink m. Marie H. Krick January 21, 1921

    Children: (7.) Catherine Margaret b. January 4, 1925

    (6.) Robert Walter Wink son of John D. and Esther (Cressman) Wink


(4.) Catharine Wink, Daughter of Theobold and Mary (Fister) Wink. She was b. Dec. 21, 1816, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; d. Feb. 3, 1846, in Kutztown; m. John Esser; b. and d. in Mauch Chunk, Carbon Co., Pa.; Reformed; he bur. in Mauch Chunk; children:-


(4.) Samuel Wink, Son of Theobold and Mary (Fister) Wink, was b. Oct. 29, 1819, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; d. 25 August 1903, in Lisbon, Linn Co., Iowa; m. Feb 6,1842 Theresa Goodman; b. 3 December 1823, in Reading, Berks Co., Pa.; d. 26 Feb 1898 in Lisbon, Linn Co., Iowa; both bur. in Lisbon. Samuel and Teresa were living in Berks County, Pennsylvania in 1850. They went to Iowa in 1854. Samuel was a harness maker. Censuses show they had two daughters: Catherine A. who married Samuel Sigler and had daughter May, and Mary Emma. Harry, son of Mary Emma also lived with the family.

Children: (5.) Catherine A. daughter of Samuel and Teresa (Goodman) Wink b. d. m. Samuel Sigler Children: (6.) May daughter of Catherine A. and Samuel Sigler. (5.) Mary Emma daughter of Samuel and Teresa (Goodman) Wink b. 3 May 1850 Pennsylvania d. 3 Dec 1925 Lisbon, Linn County, Iowa m. Children: (6.) Harry C. Wink, son of Mary Emma b. 7 Jan 1867 d. 22 Apr 1938 Lisbon, Linn County, Iowa.


(4.) Levi Wink, b. June 13, 1822, in Kutztown; d. July 13, 1865, in Kutztown; bur. in St. John's Reformed Church Cem.; never could articulate well; mind rather weak, but of cheerful disposition and everybody's friend.


(4.) Dewalt Augustus Wink, Son of Theobold and Mary (Fister) Wink. He was b. Oct. 23, 1824, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; d. March 30, 1911, in Kutztown ; m. May 4, 1852, Mary Shaffer; b. Feb. 13, 1824, in Northampton Co., Pa.; d. Jan. 5, 1914, in Kutztown; Evangelical Church; bur. in Hope Cern., Kutztown; children:-



John Graeff Wink 1815-1901




John Graeff Wink* was but 10 years of age when his father died. His uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Graeff, took the boy to rear, gave him a good home and had him educated. When 18 years of age he was apprenticed with Peter Graeff, of Ballietsville, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, to learn the trade of cabinetmaking. On account of failing health he was compelled to abandon this in the fall of 1834, and then took up school teaching, he himself at the time attending school. Subsequently he entered the village store in Ballietsville as a clerk. After a short stay he resigned the position to take up a similar one in the city of Allentown. Sometime after this he returned to his native town of Kutztown and engaged at school teaching. After a short while he again took a clerkship in a store. Soon after he formed a partnership with his brother-in-law", Stephen Graeff, and they together purchased the Ballietsville general merchandising store and there continued in this business until 1876. He then withdrew from the firm, returned to Kutztown and lived retired. Here he was living a quiet and peaceful life when I paid him a visit on a genealogical trip in 1898.


I found a man with a remarkable memory and given much to the study of the past. He was Kutztown's remarkable local historian. Even in his advanced years his mind was clear on dates, facts and reminiscences of his earlier days. He had collected much material bearing on the town's early history, and much of this he had compiled and arranged into entertaining and fascinating papers for the press and gave it in an interesting way for the edification of the public.


He materially aided me in this work, particularly so relating to the genealogy and history of the Wink branch of the Reed family in Maxatawny. If it had not been for his foresight in the preservation of dates and family papers, my work on this family would have been far more laborious and incomplete. In his declining years he suffered from failing eyesight and gradually grew blind; in his distress he had to call other members of the family to his aid in his literary work.


He was much respected in the community. Everybody in Kutztown seemed to know John Wink and had the greatest respect and consideration for him. He was elected to fill many positions of honor and trust, for the citizens had the utmost confidence in his trustworthiness and ability. For many years he served faithfully as a trustee of the State Normal School in Kutztown, and for more than nine years he was secretary of the board. For a long time he was a punctual and faithful director in the Kutztown National Bank, etc. In his church he was an exemplary and consistent member and was honored with all positions as layman. He was commonly known by many as "Uncle" John Wink.


The following letter was written me by John G. Wink, and is of such interesting character that it deserves to be preserved:


Kutztown, Mar. 8, 1898.            

Mr. W. H. Reed, Norristown, Pa.


Dear Sir:-

Yours of the 4th came duly to hand, and much pleased to learn that some of my Reed relatives are still in the land of the living. I never heard from any of them for many years. I met a Michael Reed, who was a cousin to my father, at his store, in Philadelphia, in 1841, and has a son Willoughby. These were the only relatives (Reeds) I have ever seen, and I should like to learn more about the family.

My grandmother (Reed) Winck died when I was a boy of about 7 years old, aged 75 years. I remember her very well. My father died soon after, in 1824. He had twelve living children when he-died and one dead; eleven were sons and two were daughters. Three of the sons still live. Dewalt Augustus (my youngest brother) was two weeks old when my father died, and is now 74 years old and brother Samuel, aged 79, and myself, aged 83. My mother died in 1867, aged 82 years. My parents had fifty grandchildren.


I have the fly leaf of my great-grandfather Casper Winck's Bible framed. On one side of it is recorded the birth of his children, and the first born was in 1728.


My grandfather Winck was born March 12, 1733, and the birth of his children is recorded on the other side of the leaf.


I have written a small history of the Winck family from my great-grandfather down, noticing the principal things that came to my knowledge, and as I am unable to read or write on account of my sight, I must depend upon others to do my reading and writing. If you would pay me a visit no doubt I could give you such information as you would like to have, and it would afford me much pleasure to learn more of the history of the Reed family. I suppose you or your father must be a second cousin to me. Enough for the present, and please answer and accept my best wishes,

Most truly,

John G. Winck.


Compliments of Hope Cemetery, Kutztown, Pa.


John G. Wink, one of the oldest and most interesting men in Kutztown, died Monday morning at 4:15 of infirmities. He was ailing since last Friday but his illness was not considered serious.

Deceased was the oldest native-born citizen of Kutztown, but during his later years his memory never failed him and he could recall dates of important events. He kept a diary for many years. Deceased was twice married, and one peculiar incident is that he died on the same date as his first wife died and about the same hour his second wife died, but complained very little of his sufferings.

He was a schoolteacher in his younger days in Kutztown and vicinity, and later proprietor of a general store at Ballietsville. He was a member of the board of trustees of the Kutztown State Normal School seventeen years and also served as secretary of the board.

He is survived by two children, John D. and Carrie R., and by two brothers, D.A.G. of town, who is in his seventy-eighth year and Samuel, of Lisbon, Iowa, in his eighty-third year. The funeral will be held tomorrow at the home of the deceased. Rev. J.J. Cressman and Rev. E.E.H. Leinbach officiating.
Submitted by Glenn Koch

He Lived to a Decrepit Old Age, But His Memory Was Still True

Death on Monday closed a career that was honorable, interesting, bright, unique and long. John G. Wink, the venerable local historian of Normal Hill, who knew more of the history of this section and its people than anybody else, fell asleep at 4:15 a. m., aged 86 years, 9 months and 2 days.
He was a man of unusually strong intellect, and a close student and observer all his life, and processed of strong social qualities.

He was the oldest native citizen of Kutztown. He was born in a house that stood on the site of the Dewalt house at present occupied by Prof. J. S. Grim. His father, Dewalt Wink died when the boy was in his tenth year. He was raised by his uncle, Dewalt Graeff, and the family treated him very kindly. He is survived by a son, John D., a member of the Patriot force; one daughter, Carrie, at home, and two brothers, Samuel, of Lisbon, Lynn County, Iowa, who is in his 83rd year and still carries the mail between the post office and the railroad, and D.A.G. Wink, of our town, who is still pretty active for a man of his age and weight.

His life story contains two rare coincidents as to dates. John D. Wink, the son, was born just 100 years after his paternal grandfather, and John G. Wink died on the day twenty-eight years after his first wife. His second wife died suddenly about a year ago.

John G. Wink was of the fourth generation of Winks in America. His great grandfather, Casper Wink, was the first American ancestor; He came from Mannheim in the old Palatinate and settled in Maxatawny Township, where he acquired much land. A part of the land is still in the family name, the farm of Jacob Wink, who is also a great grandson of Casper. The original homestead, however, stood on what is now the Wanner farm.
Casper was a man of prominence before the Revolutionary War. Unlike the other German settlers in these parts, he was a Catholic by religion. The father of the subject of this sketch was a hatter by trade and carried on the business of hat manufacturing in this town in the beginning of this century. He made his mostly from wool bought of the farmers of this locality. Good wool was worth 75 cents a pound in those early days, He took most of his hats to Philadelphia in a Conestoga wagon. From there the larger portion were shipped south to be used by slaves.

John G. Wink was in 1833, apprenticed to Peter M. Gift to learn cabinet making, but ill health compelled him to quit a year later. Mr. Wink was then a sickly young man, and no one thought he could possibly live beyond a few years. But he rallied, and in 1835 began teaching day school three miles northeast of Kutztown. The charges were three cents a day for an ordinary pupil. The first day he had three pupils, and his day’s wages were nine cents. The second and third days there were five scholars, and the number kept on increasing for some time. His board did not cost him anything, the farmers of the vicinity taking him by turns as their guest. He boarded with four different farmers that winter, what money he earned was all clear. His total earnings that winter amounted to about forty dollars, all of which he had saved when school closed.

The following summer he attended the famous school of John Vandeweer, at Easton, for twelve weeks. The next term he taught in the same place as the winter before, earning $120 this time. Next he went to Stoudhsburg and became a clerk in the store of Marcus Kauffman. After being at this place for six months, he secured a better position with Stephen Balliet, at Ballietsville, where he remained until March 4, 1837. Saeger, Keck & Co., of Allentown, next gave him a good position. He remained with this firm a year and then returned to Kutztown to teach the high school in the same old building on Walnut Street, in which he attended school when a boy.

In March 1839, he entered the store of Heidenreich & Kutz, an old Kutztown establishment. He was here until 1844. From October 1845, to April 1, 1846 he taught school in Kutztown. In May he went to Blandon to help start a store for Levi Guldin. The following October he taught at $ 30 a month. In the spring of 1847 he went to the store of his uncle, Daniel Fisher where Hinterleiter’s big store now is. He remained here six years and in this interval spent some of his tine in teaching, The borough of Kutztown couldn’t get a teacher, so Mr. Wink was urgently requested to leave the store for a few hours a day to teach the advanced classes of the Kutztown school. On June 17, 1856, Mr. Wink married Caroline Groff, of Ballietsville.
Next we find him attending store for Kemmerer & Sieslove, of Guthsville, Lehigh County. In March 1857, he and his brother in law, Stephen Groff, bought a store at Ballietsville and carried on a splendid business under the firm name of Wink & Graff. Here Mr. Wink was for quite a number of years and prospered. He not only owned half the store but a handsome home as well. In 1874 he moved to Kutztown and he has been here ever since.

Hid property a Ballietsville he sold and built his late handsome residence near the Normal school. His first wife died and he was married a second time, to Elenora, daughter of Peter Schantz, of Lehigh County. She was the mother of the surviving children.

He kept diaries up to the time his eyesight failed and it is from these diaries that the principal local events of fifty years ago are reproduced in the columns of the Patriot. He also kept a big scrap book, which contains all the prominent points of local history for t he last sixty years, together with bits of choice literature and samples of old printing, campaign badges, etc.

In his younger years Mr. Wink was a great Sunday school worker. He was the only surviving member of the first Sunday school of Kutztown, which organized in the old St. John’s church seventy-six years ago. It was called the Sunday School Union of Kutztown. In 1844 he was elected superintendent and devoted much of his time, talent, activity and substance to the cause. He held that honorable position for fourteen years. He was trustee of the Normal school for sixteen years and for nine years the board’s secretary. He was president of the First National Bank of Kutztown for some years.

His earthly remains were consigned to earth in Hope cemetery on Thursday afternoon. It was a large funeral showing the esteem in which the deceased was held. Services were held at the house. Revs. E.E.H. Leinbach and J. J. Cressman officiated. The deceased had selected his own funeral text, Ecclesiastics, the twelfth chapter, especially the part: ”Remember the Creator in the days of thy youth. “ the bearers were Charles Deischer, Frank Keck, Charles Scheirer and William S. Kutz. Funeral Director D. W. Sharadin had charge of the remains.
The Patriot; 12/28/1901



(4.) * Daniel Wink 1807


The following notice of Daniel Wink who recently died at Roxbury, Cumberland county, that state, and who seven years was a resident of Neligh and being at the time of his death 89 years of age: "A worthy representative of a noted family, a native of our county, passed to the better beyond. Daniel Wink, of Cumberland County, died on Sunday and was buried on Tuesday.  He attained the ripe age of 89 years. He was a brother of John and Augustus Wink of town, and Samuel Wink of New Lisbon, Iowa. Deceased was married to a sister of Ephraim Bower, deceased, and left -- section fifty-eight years ago. He leaves two sons, two daughters and a number of grandchildren. Our worthy townsman John Wink is a brother of the deceased and is the oldest native of Kutztown living. He is in his 81st year now, and as hale and hearty as a man of sixty. He is a walking history relative to this section and is authoritative on anything that transpired here during his lifetime. His brother Samuel Wink in Iowa is in his 77th and brother D. Augustus G. Wink, of town, is now in his 72nd year. John G. Wink is now the oldest living native of Kutztown and he is an illustrious sample, too."

Daniel* married Catharine Bauer (Bower) on 13 Feb. 1831. Catharine was born 9 Dec. 1808 and died 13 Nov. 1874. She is buried with her husband and oldest daughter at; Letort Spring Church graveyard, Middlesex Twp, Cumberland Co. PA. There were seven children.


Note! There is a Family Bible that is still in the possession of the Wink's from this point, documenting the births and some deaths of the children. It was passed from daughter (5.) Caraline to her son, (6.) William Jacob, to his son, (7.) Edwin Augustus, to his son, (8.) William Lewis, to his son, (9.) Michael William. (10.) Chase Huston Wink is next in line.




(5.)   Rebecca Daughter of Daniel and Catherine Wink was b.  4 Dec. 1832 Place: Berks Co., PA. d. 24 July 1854


(5.)   Dewald (DeWalt) Son of Daniel and Catherine Wink was b.  15 June 1835 Place: Berks Co., PA d. 1928 Aurora, NE

m. Anna 1862: Dewalt Wink, Oldest Resident Here, Dies. DeWalt Wink, 93, believed to have been Aurora's oldest citizen, died Saturday morning at his home after a serious illness that had dated from a fall he received several weeks ago.


Funeral services were held at the Yost & Vogt funeral home Monday afternoon, with Rev. H. A. Dierdorff of the United Brethren church in charge. Burial was in Aurora cemetery, where the Odd Fellows lodge had charge of final rites.


Relatives and friends from Neligh, Mr. Wink's old home, and a delegation of Odd Fellows from York attended the funeral


DeWalt Wink was born in Berks County, Pa., and worked as a boot and shoe maker all his life. He manufactured shoes for the Chamberlain County poor for twenty years, and made boots for the Union army during the Civil war.

He came to Neligh, Nebr., in 1882 and lived there until seven years ago, when he entered the Odd Fellows home at York.


Mrs. Anna Wink, wife of DeWalt Wink, died Sunday July 27th, 1884. She was born in Cumberland county, Penna., May 19th, 1837, married in 1862, and remained here till 1881, when they removed to Neligh, Antelope county, Nebraska. She was a great sufferer during her entire illness, but bore up under it with remarkable fortitude until death relieved her. The funeral took place Tuesday, July 29th. Her remains were followed to the grave by a large number of friends and relatives and escorted by the Neligh Lodge of Odd Fellows to which society Mr. Wink belonged.


Mr. Wink later married Mrs. Martha Scofield and came to her home in Aurora to live. He was an Odd Fellow for 54 years.


For several years, Mr. Wink has been a familiar figure on the streets of Aurora, and was known to young and old for his jovial disposition and willingness to match wits with all comers. Until a few months ago he was unusually spry for one of his years, and made his pilgrimages about the streets with ease.


(5.) Jacob Charles Son of Daniel and Catherine Wink was b.  27 June 1837 Place: Berks Co., PA d.  16 July 1842


(5.) Mary Alinda Daughter of Daniel and Catherine Wink was b.  3 Oct. 1839 Place: Cumberland Co., PA d.  1 Nov. 1911

m.   August Wolf


(5.) *Caraline (Carrie) (who made many entries in the bible) Daughter of Daniel and Catherine Wink was b.  15 June 1842 Place: Cumberland Co., PA d.  31 July 1918 Buried: Laurel Hill Cemetery, Neligh, Nebr. m.  1 May 1886 Edward Griffith according to the Family Bible was only married to Mr. Edward Griffith and not until 1886. However, she had a son, Charles Arthur KERR, born in June, 1865. On November 4th, 1868, she had another son, (6.) *William Jacob. Mr. Griffith was born in England on 14 Feb. 1855.


(5.) Emma Daughter of Daniel and Catherine Wink was b.    30 Jan. 1844 d.  17 Feb. 1844


(5.)  Graeff Fister Son of Daniel and Catherine Wink was b.  15 Feb. 1846 Place: Cumberland Co., PA d. 11 Sept. 1922 Place: Los Angeles, CA. m.  Mary Henrietta Goodrich 12 Nov. 1868 Place: Lisbon, Johnson, Iowa



We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our friends for their acts of kindness and sympathy during our bereavement. Especially the Odd Fellows, Ladies of the G. A. R. Circle, the Woodmen Quartet, and any who assisted in any way.




(6.) *William Jacob Wink 1868

William Jacob Wink son of Caraline Wink was born November 4th, 1868 at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He moved to Neligh, Nebraska with his folks on April 12th, 1882. William Jacob according to the family Bible, was married to a Florence Katie Stouter (b. 20 May 1874, Guncaster, PA) on 25 ? 1894. There is no record of her passing.

In 1896 he returned to Pennsylvania, where he met Phillippine Hossel. They were married at Mahanoy City, PA on May 4th, 1904 and left for Harrisburg to set up housekeeping. While living in Harrisburg the following children were born: William Dewalt, Caroline Minnie, Edwin Augustus, Mary Elizabeth and Anna Margaret. On April 11th, 1911, at the urging of his mother and his Uncle Dewalt, the family moved to Neligh, Nebr. While here he worked at various jobs for awhile. He worked for the Brenton Brick yards for several years and on December 14th, 1914 he went to work for the Neligh Mills, owned by S. F. Gilman. He worked there until his wife passed away on December 1st, 1939. While living in Neligh the following children were born: George Hossel, Gladys Mae, Clarence & Grace Irene. The latter two died in infancy.  After the passing of his wife, he resigned his job with the Mill and moved to Lincoln to make his home with his daughter, Mary (Mrs. E. P. Oehring). He passed on to join his wife on October 27th, 1947. He was buried in the family plot along side of his wife and parents, in Neligh, Nebraska.

All his children lived in Lincoln, Nebr., except two, Bill, who lived in Omaha, Nebr. and Edwin who moved to California in 1956.

(6.) * William Jacob & Phillippine (Hossel) Wink.


The Children:


(7.) William Dewalt Son of William Jacob and Phillippine (Hossel) Wink b.  18 Feb. 1905 Place: Harrisburg, PA d.13 Mar. 1990 buried

m. 8 June 1940 Avis  Plowman


(7.) Caroline Minnie Daughter of William Jacob and Phillippine (Hossel) Wink b. 1 Nov. 1906 Place: Harrisburg, PA d. 31 Mar. 1986 buried

m. 19 Jan. 1927     Charles Kassing div. 8 Sept. 1951


(7.) * Edwin Augustus Son of William Jacob and Phillippine (Hossel) Wink b. 3 Mar. 1908 Place: Harrisburg, PA d. 20 Nov. 1976 Place: Middletown, CA Buried Place: St. Helena, CA  m.  Lena M. Huston 13 Aug. 1939 Neligh, NE. b. 13 September 1915 d.


(7.) Mary Elizabeth Daughter of  William Jacob and Phillippine (Hossel) Wink b. 9 Sept. 1909 Place: Harrisburg, PA d. 20 Apr. 1989 Place: Lincoln, Nebr. Buried m. 10 Oct. 1929 Ezra P. Oehring


(7.) Anna Margaret Daughter of William Jacob and Phillippine (Hossel) Wink b. 21 Feb. 1911 Place: Harrisburg, PA d. 5 July 1987 buried m. 11 Jan. 1937 Howard D. McElhaney


(7.) George Hossell Son of William Jacob and Phillippine (Hossel) Wink b. 28 Oct. 1912 Place: Neligh, NE. d. 17 Dec. 1977 buried m. 3 Nov. 1947 Edna Bolte div. Sept. 1958


(7.) Gladys Mae Daughter of William Jacob and Phillippine (Hossel) Wink b. 13 Feb. 1915 Place; Neligh, NE d. 31 Oct. 1997 buried m. 24 Aug. 1936 Raymond D. Larson


(7.) Clarence Son of William Jacob and Phillippine (Hossel) Wink b. Place: Neligh, NE d. Place: Neligh, NE buried Place: Neligh, NE


(7.) Grace Irene Daughter of William Jacob and Phillippine (Hossel) Wink b. March 20, 1916 Place: Neligh, NE d. January 5, 1917 Place: Neligh, NE buried Place: Neligh, NE


(7.) * Edwin Augustus Wink 1908


*Edwin Augustus married Lena Margaret Huston (b. 13 Sept. 1915) on the 13th of August 1939, in Neligh, NE. Two years later, they moved to Omaha, where he was employed as a security guard at the bomber plant until 1945. While living in Omaha they had their first child, Barbara Marie. After leaving the bomber plant they moved to Chambers, Nebraska where they became owner operators of a drug store. Times were tough in the rural sand hills of Nebraska and try as hard as they did; life in this area would not be where their future would lay. Two more children were born during this time, William Lewis and Margaret Le Ann. But by the winter of 1956 they were off for the golden state of California. Everything they owned packed up in the car and a small two-wheel trailer. Edwin had continued the westward movement started by his Great Grandfather four times removed. Edwin started in Pennsylvania where Casper landed so many years ago and took himself and his family all the way across the country to California.


In California Edwin would work for his brother in-law at Guenoc Ranch until 1958, when he then went to work for The Corner Store in Middletown. He worked at this job until he retired in the spring of 1973. Edwin had found his home and lived out his remaining years in Middletown.


(7.) * Edwin Augustus Wink son of William Jacob and Phillippine (Hossel) Wink b. March 3, 1908 Harrisburg, PA d. November 20, 1976 Middletown, CA Buried St. Helena, CA  m. Lena Margaret Huston August 13, 1939 Neligh, NE. b. September 13, 1915 d. January 10, 2005 buried -?-



(8.) Barbara Marie Wink daughter of Edwin Augustus and Lena Margaret (Huston) Wink b. July 31, 1940 Neligh, NE d. - - buried - - m. Fred Trochimowicz December 16, 1972 Lewiston Idaho b. December 5, 1917 Queens, New York, NY d. November 29th, 2014 Spokane, WA buried -?-


(9.) Jennifer Lynn daughter of Barbara Marie b. October 7, 1969 St. Helena, CA m. Thomas M. Voelker May 8 1993 Spokane, WA  b. April 1, 1968 Spokane, WA



(10.) Zachary Ryan son of Jennifer Lynn and Tom Voelker b. July 13,1995 Spokane, WA


(10.) Zoya Elizabeth daughter of Jennifer Lynn and Tom Voelker b. August 6, 1997 Spokane, WA


(10.) Zane Alexander son of Jennifer Lynn and Tom Voelker b. July 23, 2003 Spokane, WA


(8.) * William Lewis Wink son of Edwin Augustus and Lena Margaret (Huston) Wink b. November 8, 1945 Tilden, NE d. - - buried - - m. Sylvia Jean Irwin July 30, 1966 Middletown, CA b. January 2, 1948 Deer Park, CA d. - -



(9.) Judith Marie Wink daughter of William and Sylvia (Irwin) Wink b. September 5, 1968 Kassel, West Germany m. Lester Hoskins September 30, 1989 Middletown, CA b. May 7, 1969 Danville, IL div. 1999 2nd m. Linda Pavone June 4, 2014 Lakeport, CA b. October 8, 1970 Staten Island New York, NY



(10.) Lester Dale Hoskins III son of Judith Marie (Wink) and Lester Hoskins b. March 14, 1992 Deer Park, CA. m. Danielle Edmondo September 29, 2013 South Lake Tahoe, NV. b. November 11, 1988 Santa Rosa, CA



(11.) Xander Dale Hoskins son of Lester Dale Hoskins III and Danielle (Edmondo) Hoskins b. October 15, 2016 Deer Park, CA


(9.) Michael William Wink son of William and Sylvia (Irwin) Wink b. March 11, 1972 Deer Park, CA 2nd m. Lisa Ann Bern June 9, 2001 Kelseyville, CA b. October 2, 1969 Santa Cruz, CA



(10.) Parker Elizabeth Wink daughter of Michael William and Lisa Ann (Bern) Wink b. January 3, 2005 San Francisco, CA


(10.) Chase Huston Wink son of Michael William and Lisa Ann (Bern) Wink b. January 3, 2005 San Francisco, CA



(8.) Margaret LeAnn Wink Daughter of Edwin Augustus and Lena Margaret (Huston) Wink b. Dec. 3, 1948 Place: O'Neal, NE d. - - buried - - m. February 7, 1967 Darrel Schnitzius place Reno, NV b. July 8, 1949 place Richmond, CA



(9.) Jeffery Scott Schnitzius son of Margaret LeAnn (Wink) and Darrel Schnitzius b. October 22, 1967 St. Helena, CA 1st m. Shawna Lynn Lentz September 4, 1988 Anchorage, Alaska b. January 18, 1969 Juneau, Alaska div. 2005 2nd m. Andrea Danielle (Brady) August 13, 2016 in Ukiah, CA b. October 30, 1976 in Puyallup WA



(10.) Danielle Jean Schnitzius daughter of Jeffery Scott and Shawna Lynn Schnitzius b. August 25, 1992 Tacoma, WA


(10.) Emily Ann Schnitzius daughter of Jeffery Scott and Shawna Lynn Schnitzius b. June 15, 1999 Tacoma, WA


(9.) James Dean Schnitzius son of Margaret LeAnn (Wink) and Darrel Schnitzius b. August 16, 1971 Santa Rosa, CA m. Michelle Berezay August 31, 1991 Willits, CA b. July 30, 1972 Redwood, CA



(10.) Courtney Michelle Schnitzius daughter of James Dean and Michelle (Berezay) Schnitzius b. July 3, 1991 Ukiah, CA m. Martin (Tito) Duran May 18, 2017 Ukiah, CA b. Nov. 1, 1992


        (11.) Harper Lynn Duran daughter of Courtney Michelle (Schnitzius) and Martin (Tito) Duran b.     December 17, 2017 Santa Rosa, CA


(10.) Kayla Lynn Schnitzius daughter of James Dean and Michelle (Berezay) Schnitzius b. July 12, 1995 Novato, CA


(10.) Hunter James Schnitzius son of James Dean and Michelle (Berezay) Schnitzius b. October 21, 2004 Ukiah, CA

* My blood line






(4.) NATHAN WINK 1810


(4.) NATHAN WINK. Son of Theobold and Mary (Fister) Wink. He was b. June 18, 1810, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa. ; d. Sept. 1, 1891, at Reading, Pa.; m. Dec. 7, 1834, Sarah Schenck; b. Aug. 11, 1811, in Hamburg, Berks Co., Pa.; d. Oct. 5, 1897, in Reading; Reformed; bur. in Chas. Evans Cern., Reading;

Nathan Wink learned blacksmithing, and enjoyed an enviable reputation as a horseshoer. He followed the trade for a number of years in Kutztown. Then he removed -to the city of Reading and there continued at his trade. He was a hard working and much respected man, and was a veteran of the Civil War, a member of Company G, 74th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers.



(5.) Isabella Catharine Wink, Daughter of Nathan and Sarah (Schenck) Wink. She was b. Oct. 2, 1835, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; d. Nov. 2, 1924, in Reading, Pa.; m. --, 1857, Ernst Albert Stirl; b. Aug. 17, 1831, in Chemnitz, Germany; d. May 10, 1866, in Hamburg, Berks Co., Pa.; she Reformed, he Sweden borgian; bur. in Chas. Evans Cem., Reading, Pa.; musician of note, and soldier in the Civil War -bugler in Co. L, 22nd Penna. Calvary Volunteers; children:-

(6.)Charles Stirl, b. --; d. in infancy.

(6.)Mary Stirl, b.--; d. 17 years of age.

(6.)George Shartle Stirl, b. Sept. 29, 1864, in Kutztown; m. Dec. 8, 1891, Helen Mary Shearer; b. Aug. 18, 1867, in Reading; Reformed; upholsterer; resides in Reading: three children:-(I)-Joseph, b. Sept. 10, 1892; m. June 19, 1913, Vesta V. Hill; detective; live in Pittsburgh, Pa.; no children; (2)-George, b. Feb. 7, 1896; m. June 18, 1919, Edith Lee James; clerk; reside in Reading; one child: -(a)-James Shearer, b. Jan. 11, 1920; (3)-Miriam Louise, b. Sept. 27, 1897; teacher; resides with her mother in Reading; assisted me materially gathering data on the Wink family; never married.



(5.) Charles Alexandria Wink, b. Oct. 14, 1837; d. June 12, 1850; bur. in St. John's Reformed Church Cern., Kutztown.


(5.) Cornelius Schenck Wink, b. Oct. 20, 1839. Son of Nathan and Sarah (Schenck) Wink. He was b. Oct. 20, 1839, at Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; m. Catharine R. Myers; b. Aug. 17, 1844, at Alsace, Berks Co., Pa.; Reformed; a blacksmith; veteran of the Civil War-"Was a member of Company G, 74th Regiment, Penna. Volunteers; live in Reading; children:-


(5.) Edward Fister Wink, b. Sept. 7, 184l. Son of Nathan and Sarah (Schenck) Wink. He was b. Sept. 7, 1841, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; d. Oct. 1, 1913, in Reading, Berks Co., Pa.; m. June 29, 1868, Annie Tabitha, daugh, of Jason and Mary Cole; b. May 17, 1850, at Rockport, Carbon Co., Pa.; Reformed; he bur. in Chas. Evans Cem., Reading; painter; widow resides in Reading; children:-


(5.) Matilda Margaret Wink, b. Aug. 25, 1844, in Kutztown; never married.


(5.) Zachary Taylor Wink, b. May 17, 1847. Son of Nathan and Sarah (Schenck) Wink. He was b. May 17, 1847, in Kutztown, Pa.: m. Oct. 20, 1881, Anna Lavinia Huff; b. Feb. 24, 1862, in Deibertsville, Lehigh Co., Pa.; Reformed; Zachary Taylor Wink when but a young man entered the printing office of the Reading Gazette and Democrat, in Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, and learned the science and art of printing. Afterwards he worked some years as a journeyman printer on Philadelphia dailies. From that city he went to Boston, Massachusetts, and worked on the Boston Ac:£. uertiser, and was made assistant foreman in this office. Some years later he returned to the city of Reading and was made Assistant City Treasurer. He was much given to the work of fraternal societies, and was a member of many such organizations. He resided in the city of Reading. Since this was written he is deceased and is much missed among his brethren of the fraternal organizations.



(5.) George Thomas Wink, b. Dec. 23, 1848, in Kutztown; sign painter; never married.


(5.) Elvira Wink, b. March 27, 185l. Daughter of Nathan and Sarah (Schenck) Wink. She was b. March 27, 1851, in Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa.; d. May 17, 1897, in Reading, Pa.; m. July -, 1872, Charles Marcus, son of Henry and Catharine Binckley; b. Feb. 23, 1843, at Womelsdorf, Berks Co., Pa.; d. Apr. 17, 1894, in Reading; Reformed; bur. in Chas. Evans Cem., Reading; barber and safe dealer; lived in Reading; children:-


(5.) Sarah Wink, b. Sept. 18, 1853, in Kutztown; never married.


(5.) Agnes Tabitha Wink, b. June 11, 1856, in Kutztown; d. Nov. 4, 1860; bur. in St. John's Reformed Church Cem.



Sent by Miriam Louise Stirl daughter of Helen Mary Shearer Stirl to the Reverend Father 1958. George Thomas Wink, son of Nathan and Sarah (Schenck) Wink b. Dec. 23, 1848, in Kutztown; sign painter; never married was the owner of the Bible referenced in this letter.













Maxatawny; settled 1732; incorporated Sept. 6, 1742 while part of Philadelphia Co.

Kutztown; settled 1779; incorporated 1815 from Maxatawny Twp.


The following list was taken from tax lists of Philadelphia County

and presents those persons who in 1734 lived in what is now Berks

County, Pa. or in Townships bordering Berks Co.


Casper WINK,   (Jacob KEMP,)?


Landholders of Philadelphia County, 1734


     A List of the Names of the Inhabitants of the County of

Philadelphia, with the quantity of Land they respectively hold

therein, according to the uncirtaine Returns of the Constables.


                          Anno Dom: 1734



This is a new District and as

it has no Constable there has

been no returns; the same as

Colebrook Dale.

Casper Wink


Theobault Dewalt KEMP came to America in 1720 from Strassburg, Germany, at that time belonging to France. He was a Protestant, and he was accompanied to the New World by his two brothers, Thomas and Joseph, and two sisters. He settled on land that now belongs to Nathan KEMP, and there died in 1760. He had one son, George.






(3)WINK, Jacob, b. 30 Oct 1758, d. 7 Nov 1842

     WINK, Maria nee SCHWEIER, w/o Jacob, b. 14 Jan 1768, d. 25 Apr 1844

(4)WINK, Jacob, s/o Jacob and Maria, b. 4 Oct 1788, d. 4 Nov 1830

(3)WINK, Dewalt, d. 7 Nov 1824, age 49


(III)  Daniel KEMP, son of George and grandson of Theobault Dewalt KEMP,

m. (3.)Rachel WINK, and they became the parents of one daughter and six sons,

namely:  Sallie m. and had a son, Willoughby Felthoof; Dewalt, died

unmarried; Jacob m. a Miss HESS, and their daughter married a man by the

name of HASSLER; Issac is known to have had three children, Alfred, Lewis

and Sarah; Daniel; George; and William m. Lydia SCHMIDT, and their

daughter Louisa m. Samuel KAUFFMAN.


Thomas Luckenbill was born in Perry Township in the 1800's. He died there in 1863.

He was a farmer and the owner of the Luckenbill Homestead and was a school director

and a useful citizen. His wife Annie wink, daughter of John Wink of Maxatawnty

Township, had 10 children. Augustus, Edwin, Lucy (died in infancy), James, Thomas,

Sarah, Jacob, Simon, Alred, Cyrus.


"The Old Settlers Association of Linn County, Iowa. 1837 - 1915"

The Old Settlers Association of Linn County, was organized in 1891 under

the direction of J. C. Davis, its ex-secretary. It was organized for the

purpose of bringing the old settlers of the county into closed communion

with one another, and has been a great success from both a social and

financial standpoint. The growth of the association has been marked from

the very start and it now has a membership of 2,500 of the pioneers who

settled in this county between the years 1837 and 1890.


One of the leading features of the association is the holding of an annual

reunion and picnic, which is held at Marion. It is always the largest and

most successful reunion held in the county. We herewith present to our

readers a complete roster of the membership, compiled in alphabetical

order, together with the years in which they first settled in Linn county.


Names preceded by a star signify the members have died

since joining the association.

*Wink, Samuel               Lisbon



Wink           D. A. G.      53  Kutztown  Bks. Co.  Pa.                Farmer

Wink           Nathan        65  Kutztown   Pa.                         Black Smith

Wink           Sarah         64  Hamburg    "

Wink           Sarah Jr.     22  Kutztown   "                           Tailor





WINK, Agnes Tabitha, d/o Nathan and Sarah, b. 11 Jun 1856, d. 4 Nov 1860

WINK, Charles, s/o Nathan and Sarah, d. 12 Jun 1850

WINK, Jesse, d. 16 Apr 1853, aged 49-8-10


Deaths: 1852-1855: Berks County, PA

Name - Jesse WINK

Date of birth - 6 Aug 1803

Date of death - 16 Apr 1853

Age - 49 years, 8 months, 10 days

Father - Dewald WINK

Mother - Catherine FISTER

Place of birth - Kutztown

Place of burial – Kutztown







This could not have been done without help. A big Thank You to all those who helped and especially my daughter

(9.) Judith Marie Wink



Wink family Bible

History And Genealogy Of The Reed Family

Charles Allwein Museum

Hope Cemetary

Mr. W. H. Reed

John G Wink

LDS archives

The 1915 Centennial history of Kutztown

Maxatawny History

History Of Berks County In Pennsylvania by Morton L. Montgomery

A history of the Goshenhoppen Reformed charge, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (1727-1819)"

Huston (Houston) Family Book

Fredric M. Miller

David Smith

Clark Frederic

Ron Thren

Michael Miller

Helen Mary Shearer Stirl

Anson Wink



Volunteered information




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