AGENDA 21 LOGO-100.pngAgenda 21 is not the “Bill of Rights”. It is not “The Declaration of Independence”. And it is not the “U.S. Constitution”. It has never been decided on by the American people that “Agenda 21” should be our new bible. Our guiding light into the 21st century. It is being pushed on us by a bunch of self righteous elitist like Nancy Pelosi. It empowers those who agree and indoctrinates those who do not, and you are going to think you are having a bad dream when it comes into your home.

© Bill Wink 2007






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“Agenda 21 Exposed in Lake County, CA”

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Dear Friend,


“…being able to take your kids to school, go to work, see a doctor, drop by the grocery or post office, go out to dinner and a movie, and play with your kids at the park, all without having to get into your car.


Regional Blueprint Plan

“This Plan was developed for Lake County/City Area Planning Council with assistance from MIG, Inc., the Lake Family Resource Center, VESTRA Resources, Inc., and Omni-Means Ltd. The total project, which consisted of three phases, was funded by $350,000 contributed by Caltrans and local sources. This funding supported the Lake APC staff, local agency staff, and the consultant team.”


“It’s a beautiful early fall morning in 2030. Walking out of my small new house in the Kelseyville Senior Housing Village, where I retired recently with my husband, I head for my favorite coffee shop located on the downtown plaza, a few blocks away. Along the way, I’m passed by groups of kids bicycling in the bike lane on their way to school. The sidewalk is shaded by big trees, which is good because it’ll be hot later today! A few friends join me for coffee, then we head for the senior center.

Meanwhile, my husband spends his morning up on Cobb Mountain enjoying a round of golf before going to his part-time job at the hardware store.


At the senior center, we board the shuttle bus, joining others from communities along the north shore to all go to Clear Lake State Park. Today’s excursion includes our choice of a guided bird watching hike, or renting kayaks for a leisurely paddle along the shores of Clear Lake to enjoy the fall colors.


As my friend and I select our two person kayak, we see students from schools throughout the county gathering at the outdoor Education Pavilion, ready to learn about all the plants and animals found in the Park.
On my way home later that afternoon, I go by the elementary school to walk my granddaughter home from school, which means a quick stop at the local market for an ice cream cone! Later her Mom stops by from her job at the hospital in Clearlake to take her to soccer practice. After such an active day, it’s time to sit in the garden and enjoy the late afternoon sun going down. Strangely enough, I didn’t need to hop in the car all day!

I like this life!!”


The source for this story:


Although the Lake County 2030 Blueprint Vision and Principles resulted from the answers to open-ended questions at community workshops, much of what Lake County residents desire can be described by the term “smart growth.”


The Smart Growth Network, a group of private, public, and non-governmental organizations seeking to improve development practices nationwide, lists smart growth principles as:
1. Mix land uses.
2. Take advantage of compact building design.
3. Create a range of housing opportunities and choices.

4. Create walkable neighborhoods.
5. Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place.
6. Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty, and critical environmental areas.
7. Strengthen and direct development towards existing communities.

8. Provide a variety of transportation choices.
9. Make development decisions predictable, fair, and cost effective.
10. Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions.


Participants reviewed the Vision and Principles, and then used a dot-voting exercise to rank the principles in terms of which were most important to achieving the Vision. The order of rankings was:

1. Public Infrastructure,
. Environment,
3. Economy,
4. Growth & Development,
5. Public Services,
6. Agriculture, and
7. Recreational and Cultural Resources.

Although all of the Principles are interlinked and important to Lake County residents, Public Infrastructure, the Environment, the Economy, and Growth & Development were rated as fundamentally more important.”


The 3 "E"s of Sustainability

The objective of the Smart Growth Strategy/Regional Livability Footprint Project is to figure out how the Bay Area can maintain its economic vitality and conserve natural resources while allowing all segments of society to share in the region’s economic and environmental assets. Planners and policymakers in the Bay Area have found it useful to distill these concepts into the three “Es” of sustainability mentioned above: a prosperous economy, a quality environment and social equity.


Smart Mobility 2010
“A Call To Action For The New Decade”


“This Call to Action responds to those challenges by providing new approaches to implementation and laying the groundwork for an expanded State Transportation Planning Program. In addition to continuing support for the regional Blueprint Planning programs, the Department will develop a statewide interregional, multi-modal blue­print to be known as the California Interregional Blueprint (CIB). It will enhance the scope of the existing California Transportation Plan (CTP) by analyzing the benefits of multi-modal, interregional projects on the transportation system. It will also serve to expand the understanding of the interactions between land use and transportation investments in meeting critical strategic growth and sustainability goals.”






Some government agency, non-governmental organization or community council instigates a meeting regarding some “sustainable” issue like Climate Change, Peak Oil etc.

A  facilitator runs the meeting under the guise of solving this so called community issue.


For Example:


Water has been targeted by the environmentalist as a resource that needs to be controlled.  Someone calls a meeting to discuss the issue.

You personally own several acres and you have your own water wells. You decide to attend the meeting.


The facilitator paints a doom and gloom picture of a world running out of water if you, the community, don’t come to some agreement about limiting water usage.

You personally are not too worried because you have your own water wells, but you are attentive and in your mind agree that water may be an area of concern for future generations.

Soon the meeting breaks into groups to come up with ideas on how to address the issue.  Each person in the group is asked to list their ideas about how best to address a sustainable future regarding water and give that list to their group leader. After a ten minute break, the meeting reconvenes and the facilitator begins listing the top ten ideas submitted by the community on how best to provide for a sustainable water future.

The facilitator gets to number three and states: “Meter all private water wells and charge the property owner per cubic foot of water pumped.” You can’t believe your ears.  That’s your water and the law backs you up. And nobody in your group suggested such a thing.


You rise in protest and find little or no support. Soon you are hearing consensus from the group that the ten ideas put forth by the community should become the town’s position regarding water.


Of course you didn’t know those ten ideas were already determined before the meeting was ever held.


Agenda 21, the concept of sustainable development, brought the community together to rethink” an issue, the Delphi Technique ran the meeting, the Hegelian Dialect concept provided for consensus and individual rights were the victim.  
It happens every day over and over again. It is planned.


I have shown that Agenda 21 is thriving in Lake County thanks to Caltrans and I have but scraped the tip of the iceberg.


But what about “The Transition Network” (TTN) or “The Fellowship for Intentional Community” (FIC)? They are both here in Lake County and so are “The Wildlands Project” and the “International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives” (ICLEI) as well as “National Association of Area Agencies on Aging” (n4a) and the “American Planning Association” (APA).


Agenda 21 is like a cancer that has metastasized and personal property rights and your children’s future as free citizens are on life support.


(The Delphi Technique is being utilized in virtually every community in the United States today.  Stakeholder councils go into communities under the guise of receiving input from citizens regarding the “visioning” process of turning their towns into “Sustainable Communities”.  Concerns of citizens are ignored in favored of preconceived outcomes.  People soon discover that private land ownership is jeopardized and their lives are changed immensely as the stakeholders start to take control of their situation.)


(“Hegelian Dialect” of thesis, antithesis and synthesis.) Philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel said: “Every idea irrepressibly breeds its opposite and the two merge into a synthesis which in turn produces its own contradiction.” He called this “the rule of life”. To rethink a community issue during open dialog means change will become inevitable as this event becomes the “rule of life”.) It will be called: “reaching consensus”.


GOD help us save the United States of America.



Bill Wink © April 5, 2013



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